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My Thoughts....
I just travel around the Internet, looking for sites. I come across some preaty good ones aswell. So I'd post the here to share what I've found with you lot - arent I kind?
If you have a web site then please send it me and I'll check it out - just go to the contact page for my email.
Thanks a bunch.

My Favorite Sites
Harry Potter This is the offical Harry Potter site by Waner. Bros. My name on that is rellemather, so if you see me online - say "Hiya!"
Fan Fiction I live here. Its the home of ALL Fan Fictions - I swear! You'll love it. My name on the is Relle, just thought I'd tell you. :o)
Role Playing This is a good Role Playing site - Tell them, if you go, the Relle recomended you ... please? :o)
Charmed This is my friends site - although it isn't anything to do with Harry Potter - Its worth a look.
Hogwarts Another Harry Potter Site, still underconstruction, but hey, what's up is brill ... check it out.

Everything belongs to J K Rowling,

Waner Bros. and anyone else

who may have their hand in the bag ....