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So far .... no one, cause I don't count!


Real Name: Mitali
Charater Name: Hermione
Preferred House: Gryffindor
Fav Charater: Hermione
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Where do you live: Paris
Family history: My parents are muggles and so is my sister
Anything else you fell the need to add ....?: I'm the first witch in my family.

I was unsure weather to put her in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw but it seem she was more suited for Ravenclaw. Well done!


Real Name: Melissa Terry
Charater Name: Mel Terry
Preferred House: Gryffindor
Fav Charater: George and Fred Weasley
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Where do you live: Somewhere in DiagonAlley
Family history: All pure blood, and my parents own the Leaky Cauldron
Anything else you fell the need to add ....?: No

I was unsure as in what house to place Mel, she seemed suited for all of them! But I decided on Ravenclaw. Well done!


Real Name: Rachel Tickle
Charater Name: Fred
Preferred House: Home
Fav Charater: Harry
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Where do you live: Home
Family history: Scottish
Anything else you fell the need to add ....?: Nope not that me thinks ...

LOL - Stright A Hufflepuff, her answers made me giggle.
No one as of yet!