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Here I'll ask you some questions ....
And all you need to do is answer them. Then send them off to me at with the subject as 'Sorting'.
Please paste the questions and answers into the email.
I'd also like the following information so I can do I profile on everyone. I'm gonna have a list soon of everyone in whatever house.
Also paste this into the email.

Real Name:
Charater Name:
Preferred House:
Fav Charater:
Where do you live:
Family history:
Anything else you feel the need to add ....?:

Now - the real questions .....

Questions ....

Q1: Pick your fav Shakespere play:
Romeo and Julliet
A Twlefth Night

Q2: Are you:

Q3: You prefare to wear:
Comfortably clothes
Sparkly clothes
Whatever you want

Now I want some questions you need to answer so I can get a better understanding of you:

Q4: At Hogwarts, what class would you look forward in doing and why?

Q5: Why would you like the play Quidditch - if you do that is?

Q6: What blood are you? (E.G. Pure blood, Muggle, etc ....)

Q7: What did you do when you recieved your Hogwarts letter?

Q8: Do you have many friends here - or are you more of a loner?

Q9: Are you a shoulder to cry on? Or do you do the crying?

And last, but not least ...

Q10: Would you go into the Forbidden Forrest? Why?

Thats all. Answer them all. Good Luck!

Everything belongs to J K Rowling,

Waner Bros. and anyone else

who may have their hand in the bag ....